I have been chasing a rabbit. It's not by accident, though it may look that way. Leaving university at the end of 1987, when I was more than halfway through my degree, wasn't planned, though it suited my nature. I went to Quebec City, improved my French to bilingualism, joined a cult and got engaged. I left Quebec first, then the engagement, then the cult. I still have enough French to get by. Charlottetown was next. I knew I could write a little - my major had been English Literature - so I made a move towards a career in journalism. My mother had died in 1997 and I was anchorless; it was time to be a grown up. Again, I left school early. For a job this time, not a man. Off to British Columbia! (I graduated, I just wasn't there to collect my diploma. I regretted that.) When that blew up I landed in northern Alberta, though it wasn't new to me. Dad and Step-Dad were both military men and had had postings there. I had ambitions because it seemed that's what people di...